Saturday, March 22, 2025

How to The Hippie Headband Tutorial


Prepare you hair for a bit of fall fashion ‘cause we’ve prepared for you a little lesson in hairstyles. What do you say about this Hippie Headband style to go with your newest items of wardrobe.

The tutorial is made by talented blogger Emily Meyers. 

Supplies needed:

- Bobby pins
- Hair-tie

Let’s get started!

Step 1. Start with wavy, 'day old' hair that will have grip and texture. Grab a 2 1/2 inch circle section from right behind and above your left ear. Swing the rest of your hair over your head and out of the way, and braid your section tightly to the end. Tie off with a hair tie.


Step 2. Let your hair fall back into place, and choose whatever part you wish (center is most common with this boho style). Divide the hair above your opposite ear, pull your braid across your fore-head, over the first section and inside the part you just made. Secure to your scalp with a few bobby pins, and fluff your hair as desired! Done!


Now that you done you can choose to wear your hair down or twist it all up into a low bun. Either way you are ready to break some hearts!



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